September, 2014
Open Communication
Open communication is a key to any relationship.
School Handbook - A school handbook is essential to making sure everyone is clear about the school’s policies, procedures, standards, and goals. A meeting with the families where you go over the handbook and answer their questions will eliminate many questions and complaints through the year. In addition to information your school district provides, you might want to include your daily schedule, how to help your child get organized, the importance of getting a good night’s sleep and having a nutritious breakfast, providing children with ample opportunities to play outside, supplies your child will need, yearly calendar, and so forth.
Suggestion Box - Be open to parent’s comments and input. Listen, listen, listen! Problem solve and involve them in decision making.
Newsletters - Keep parents informed! “Advertise” all the great things the children are doing and learning. Include words to the children’s favorite songs, finger plays, recipes, websites for children, local events, etc.
Website - A class website or blog can be used to share daily adventures with families. *Be sure to respect privacy and control access to internet information.
Open Door - Open your door and welcome parents to visit, observe, and volunteer. Listen to parent’s concerns and criticisms. If there is a problem, encourage the parents to volunteer and be a part of the solution!
Parent Support - With our mobile society, many parents don’t have the support of a family or spouse. Offer workshops, support groups, videos, or books on topics of interest, such as discipline, reading, nutrition, sibling rivalry, and so forth.
Family Resource Library - Create a family resource library where parents can check out books, articles, or videos about parenting issues.
Party Time - Plan parties for parents, grandparents, and other family members. Arrange open houses, pot luck dinners, plays, and movie nights, game nights, etc. Muffins with mom, doughnuts with dad, and Grandparent’s day are always a huge hit!
Happy Grams - Send home positive comments and notes about children’s successes.
Surprise Phone Calls and Emails - Surprise parents at work or home with a “good news” message about their child. This is especially reassuring during the first few weeks of school.
Communication Coupons - Run off five copies of each of the coupons below. It will be more effective if you run each coupon off on a different color of paper. Punch holes in the top left corner of the coupons and tie with a ribbon. Distribute these to parents at your orientation meeting and encourage them to use these for quick communication. (Thanks to Bonnie Dennison for this idea.)
Hint! Adapt coupons to meet the needs of your program. Click here to download a printable version.
Please excuse my child from school on __________________________________________
because _________________________________________________________________
_________________________________ _________________________
Signature Date
Please excuse my child for being late on ________________________________________ because_________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________
Signature Date
My child will be picked up today at___________________________________________ (Time)
by __________________________________________________________________ (Name) _________________________________ _________________________
Signature Date
Please give me a call _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________ _________________________
Signature Date
What’s in Your Backpack? Share this poem at an orientation meeting, or send it home in a paper bag backpack the beginning of the school year to remind parents of all the ways children are developing and learning as they play at school. Click Downloads in the menu at the top left for a printable copy of this poem.
What’s in your backpack? |
I counted and sorted |
When I built with blocks |
Out on the playground |
I played in the windy house |
Story time is what |
In science I observed, |
I sang and danced - |
Art was messy. |
There will be time |
My fingers got a work out |
I love to go to school. |