Print Rich Learning Stations


Print Rich Learning Stations


Provide children with opportunities to PLAY and LEARN by adding some of these materials to classroom centers.

books (all sizes, shapes, subjects, fiction and non-fiction)
sensory books/interactive books/picture books
collaborative class books, personal libraries and book bags
flannel board and figures, puppets, stuffed animals
leveled books, pointers
maps, catalogs, magazines, brochures, menus, posters
pillows, bean bag chairs, small rocking chair
magazine rack, bookshelf, basket, mirror

Writing Center
pens, pencils, crayons, markers, colored pencils
variety of paper (colored, notepads, carbon paper)
envelopes, junk mail, stamps & ink pad
chalkboard, dry erase board, magic slate, clipboard
scissors, hole punch, tape, glue, stapler
dictionary, picture file, rolodex, name cards
computer and printer, manual typewriter
blank books, graph paper, blank calendars, book club order
forms, used greeting cards, postcards

Read the Room
pointers, empty glasses frames
pencils, pens, paper, clipboards
word search (2 syllable; start with ‘l’; acrostic)
*magic reading wand (butterfly net decorated with ribbons)

Write the Room
clipboard, pens, pencils, silly glasses

ABC Center
letter stamps, stickers, stamp pad
letter tiles, alphabet blocks
letter beads, sponge letters, dyed pasta letters
magnetic letters and cookie sheet
finger spelling with letters on gloves

Word Wall
flash cards, fly swatters, flashlight
pencils, paper

Poetry Corner
poetry books and nursery rhyme books
charts and posters of songs, poems, and rhymes
tape recorder and blank tape
set of magnetic poetry words

Pocket Chart
letters to put in alphabetical order
words and pictures to match
pictures and sounds to match
poems on sentence strips to put in order
sentence puzzles (cut between words in sentences)

Listening Center
tape player, headsets, story tapes and books,
poems, songs, directional tapes

Document Camera
poems and stories
markers and paper for writing and illustrating
magnetic letters to make words

Sign Language
 poster of manual signs, flash cards
picture cards for common objects





Post Office
envelopes, paper, junk mail, stickers
pens, pencils, name cards, shoe box mail box
individual mail slots made from clasp envelopes

Magnetic Letter Center
magnetic letters of different sizes
cookie sheet, magnetic board, tins
words to copy, letter books, letter office
magnetic letters glued to craft sticks

paper, pencil, adding machine tape,
magnetic numerals and shapes
coupons, calculator, play money
graphs, posters, chalkboard
counting books, shape books

charts, research books, identification books
science magazines, labeled collections
clipboard, pens, notebook, sticky labels
binoculars made from paper towel roll

Dramatic Play
 shopping list, chalk board, memo pad, pens, pencils
magazines, books, cookbook, class phone book
puppets, stuffed animals, babies to “read” to
junk mail, menus, catalogs, brochures

paper and markers to make labels and signs
blue prints, sticky notes, photos of homes and buildings
letters, rimes, and words taped to unit blocks
highway letters and small cars
( – highway letter cards)

Play Dough Center
clear plastic plates with shapes numerals and letters
written with a permanent marker; play dough

Rebus direction charts, labels for materials
variety of art media, markers, paint, “how to” books

reading games, printer, kinder keyboard, fly swatter
file fold laptop computers

Small Motor
play dough, letter cookie cutters, play dough book
sewing cards, letter beads to string, pegboards
paper, hole punch, scissors, stencils, colored pencils

Sand and Water
magnetic letters (hide in sand)
letters and words to trace in the sand
mystery word hidden on the bottom of the sand table
ping pong balls (write letters and words on them
and children scoop with fishnet)

letter hopscotch, beach balls with letters
chalk board for keeping score
giant chalk to write with on sidewalk

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