Activities on this page include the songs Hawaiian Cross Crawl, Bolero Balance and Todaloo.

Hawaiian Cross Crawl 

Get the feet going.  Step 2 times right.  Step 2 times left.
Right, right.  Left, left.
Hula arms to left.  Hula arms to right.
Sunshine arms and make big circles in front of you.
Rainbow arms by waving them over your head.
Palms together and wiggle like a fish.
Hook thumbs and let your fingers be a butterfly.
Get on your paddleboard and paddle from left to right.
Throw out your nets.  Pull in the fish.  (Pretend to throw and pull in.)
Big wave good-bye with your right hand.
Big wave good-bye with your left hand.
Toe out and bow down.  (Put out one toe and bend and touch.)
*Hint!  Instead of doing the hula you can do lunges from side to side.

Hawaiian Crawl

Activities:  Demonstrate how to make a “brain” by putting your two fists together.  Cross fingers as you explain that it’s important to build bridges from one side of the brain to the other side.   Draw a line down the middle of your body.  That is called the midline and every time they cross over the midline they are building bridges in their brain.  Place a piece of painter’s tape down the middle of their bodies so they can see how they cross the midline as they do the Hawaiian cross crawl.
Demonstrate how to give yourself a brain a hug.  Extend your arms.  Cross your right fist over your left fist.  Clasp your fingers.  Twist your hands down and toward your chest and squeeze.
How about some rainbow streamers?   Cut colorful strips of tissue paper and tape to craft sticks.  Use for the Hawaiian cross crawl and other midline activities.
Do an internet search to see actual hula dancers and their costumes.  Research the meaning of different dances and movements.

Stretch and Breath

Take a deep breath in and then shake your hands down.  (Stretch out arms overhead and then bring down as you shake your hands.)
Deep breath in.  Shake hands down.
Shrug your shoulders.  Relax.  (Tighten shoulders by bringing them up to your ears – then let go.)
Roll shoulders forwards.
Roll shoulders backwards.
Look over your right shoulder.
Look over your left shoulder.
Chin down.  Gently roll your neck to the right and then to the left.
Lace fingertips together and stretch them high in the air.
Stretch laced fingertips in front of you.
Pat yourself on the back with your right hand.
Pat yourself on the back with your left hand.
Right heel up.  Bend down and touch toes.
Left heel up.  Bend down and touch toes.
Bend down and give your legs a hug.  (Touch hands behind calves.)
Touch the floor and then stretch up high on tippy toes.
Touch the floor and then stretch up high on tippy toes.
Right arm over your head and lean to the left.
Left arm over the head and lean to the right.
Open your chest by stretching your arms out wide.
Give yourself a big hug.

Activities: Why is it important to stretch before you exercise and then after you exercise? 
Discuss what it means to be “stressed.”  What makes you feel that way?  What can you do when you are stressed?  Demonstrate how to breath slowly in as you count to eight and then breath slowly out as you count to eight.  Pretend to breath in hot chocolate and then to slowly blow out birthday candles.
To quiet children say, “Give your mouth a vacation and practice breathing in and out your nose.”


Bolero Balance

Stand on your right foot and lift your left leg.
Stretch your left leg out in front of you.
Stretch your left leg to the side.
Place your left foot on the floor and raise your right leg.
Stretch your right leg out in front of you.
Stretch your right leg to the side.
Place your right foot down and raise your left knee.
Can you put your arms above you like a tree?
Can you stretch out your arms and fly like an eagle?
Place your left foot down and raise your right knee.
Take your arms over your head like a tree.
Stretch out your arms like an eagle.
Place your right foot on the floor and balance on it as you extend your arms like an airplane.
Can you bend forwards?
Can you move your wings up and down?
Stand back up straight and balance on your left foot as you extend your arms.
Bend forwards.
Move your wings up and down.
Stand back up. 
Feet together. 
Close your eyes and smile.

Hint!  Encourage children to hold onto a chair or wall to help them balance.

Activities:  Practice balancing on one foot as you wait in line to go to PE, the lunchroom, etc.
Can you balance on one side better than the other side?  Is it easier to balance with your eyes open or closed? 
Suggest children pick a non-moving spot at eye level to focus on as they balance.
If you do something on one side of the body, why is it important to do it on the other side as well?
Put a piece of masking tape on the floor so children can practice balancing as they walk forward and backwards. 


(Tune:  “Down by the Bay”)
Bye bye dragon fly
Toodaloo tennis shoe
Wave to me bumble bee
Give a hug ladybug
Time to bale blue whale
Catch the bus octopus
Gotta scat alley cat
Take care teddy bear
Hit the road old toad
Time to swish gold fish
Hit the course race horse
Catch a cab hermit crab
You’re a love turtledove
We had fun bubblegum
We had a laugh giraffe
Good luck rubber duck
Take a boat billy goat
Vamoose Mr. Moose
Never fear reindeer
Time to go black crow
Come again, red hen
Learned a lot tater tot
See you later, alligator
After while crocodile.


Activities:  Run off copies of each verse and distribute these to the children to illustrate.  Put their pictures together to make a class book.  Have a page called “Illustrators” where they can all sign their names.  Add a “Dedication” page and let children decide who they would like to dedicate the book to.  Add the “Publisher” (school, city, and state) and “Copyright” (date).  Oh, and don’t forget “The End” and an ISBN number and bar code!
Can children make up additional verses that rhyme?
Have children identify the rhyming words in each verse.
Teach children how to give a “micro” wave good-bye by waving their pinky finger.


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