Mary Amoson developed this set of cards for you to download and use in your own classroom.
Dr. Jean's ABC Cheers
The vowel cards are red, consonant cards are blue, and Yy is orange because I like to say it “dresses up for Halloween,” because it can be a vowel or a consonant.
I made these cheer cards with Dr. Jean’s knowledge, help, and permission.
Dr. Jean's site has video demonstrations of the cheers. Here is a pair of links to the video:
Cheers (You Tube) - or TeacherTube Version
I like to teach a new cheer a week, each related to the letter we are learning. Since everyone uses different letter orders, I thought creating an alphabet, cards, and a poster would be the best.
You can print the poster page large for class-room use or small for easy student use.
Here is a link to Mary's website, (
Go to the Downloads page to get this pdf file. The link to the downloads page is in the menu at the top left.