The Farmer in the Dell (Nursery Rhymes and Good Old Times CD)
The farmer in the dell, (Class holds hands and forms a circle.
The farmer in the dell, One child is chosen to be the “farmer”
Heigh – ho – the derry-o, and stand in the middle.)
The farmer in the dell.
The farmer takes a wife… (“Farmer” chooses a “wife” to stand in middle.)
The wife takes a child… (“Wife” chooses a “child” to stand in the middle.)
The child takes a nurse… (“Child” chooses a “nurse” to stand in the middle.)
The nurse takes a dog… (“Nurse” chooses a “dog” to stand in the middle.)
The dog takes a cat… (“Dog” chooses a “cat.”)
The cat takes a rat… (“Cat” chooses a “rat.”)
The rat takes the cheese… (“Rat” chooses the “cheese.”)
The cheese stands alone… (“Cheese” stays in the middle while the others get
back in the circle. The “cheese” becomes the
new “farmer” and the game continues.)
To reinforce print knowledge, make nametags for the different characters in the song. Call children’s attention to the letters and sounds in each word. Let children wear the nametags and join the song at the appropriate time.
Cut paper into 6” squares and ask each child to draw a character from the song. Label their pictures. Lay the pictures in sequential order on a table and tape together. Fold back and forth to make an accordion book.
You can adapt this song for any holiday or season. In October we would turn off the lights and sing in a minor key:
The goblin in the dark, the goblin in the dark.
Hi, ho, it’s Halloween, the goblin in the dark.
The goblin picks the ghost, the goblin picks the ghost…
The ghost picks the bat…the bat picks the cat…the cat picks the witch…
The witch picks the skeleton…the skeleton picks the pumpkin…
They all scream and screech, “Oooooooo!!!!!!”
London Bridge (Nursery Rhymes and Good Old Times CD)
London Bridge is falling down, (Two children hold hands in the
Falling down, falling down. air to form a bridge. The rest of the
London Bridge is falling down children form a single line and walk
My fair lady. under the bridge.)
Take the key and lock it up, (Children who are the bridge “catch”
Lock it up, lock it up. one child and gently swing them
Take the key and lock it up, back and forth in their arms.)
My fair lady.
Build it up with silver and gold,
Silver and gold, silver and gold.
Build it up with silver and gold
My fair lady.
Pass out flashcards with high frequency words on them to the children. When they are “caught” under the bridge spell out the word as they swing back and forth. For example:
C – o – m – e,
C – o – m – e,
C – o – m – e.
Come, come, come.
You could also pass out letters and sing:
Take the “M” and lock it up,
Lock it up, lock it up.
Take the “M” and lock it up.
/m/, /m/, /m/
Write letters or words on index cards and insert in name badges. Children can wear these as you sing the song.
Make a block book similar to the one you can download. Children look at the structures of the bridge, gate, stairs, etc. and then try to replicate them with unit blocks. Click on Downloads in the menu at the top left.
Show children where London is on a map or globe. Look for a photo of the real London Bridge on the internet.
BINGO(Nursery Rhymes and Good Old Times CD)
There was a farmer had a dog
And Bingo was his name-O.
B - I – N – G – O,
B – I – N – G – O.
B – I – N – G – O.
And Bingo was his name-O.
As you continue to sing the song, omit a letter and clap instead until you are clapping the whole word.
This is a perfect song to reinforce the concept of letters and words. Explain that “Bingo” is the dog’s name. Write it on the board and count the letters. Sweep your hand from left to right under the letters as you say, “Let’s put the letters together and read the word.”
Make paper plate letter puppets for the children to hold as you sing. Take two paper plates and staple 2/3 of the way around. Print a different letter (B, i, n, g, o) on the front and draw a hand on the back. Children insert their hands in the slit and stand from left to right to spell the word “Bingo.” At the appropriate time in the song, each child will turn their letter over to reveal a hand. This will reinforce tracking from left to right, as well as letter recognition.
Insert children’s names in the song as you sing:
There is a friend that you all know and Jake is his name-o.
J – A –K – E. J – A – K – E.
J – A – K – E.
And Jake is his name – o.
Hint! If children have a very long name, then just use a nickname or the first five letters.
Sing the name of your school, city, or state using this tune. For example:
There is a state where we live and Texas is its name-o.
T – E – X – A – S….
Use the tune to help children learn their zip code:
There is a zip code where I live and I know my zip code.
3 – 6 – 2 – 9 – 4…
Download the tell and draw story about “Bingo” and enjoy your students’ delight as you draw a dog.
Click Downloads in the menu at the top left.