Everybody Do a Pattern with Me (Tune: “Everybody Do This”)
Everybody do this do this do this
Repeat the A B pattern with me.
Clap, stomp, clap, stomp,
X __, X__, X__, X__
Continue clapping out other patterns: AAB, ABB, AABB, ABC, etc.
Spy a Shape (Tune: “Do You Know the Muffin Man”)
Do you spy a circle, circle, circle? (Make circles with thumb and index finger
Do you spy a circle in the room? and put around eyes as you sing.)
Yes, I spy a circle, circle, circle. (Children point to a circle.)
Yes, I spy a circle in the room.
Can you draw a circle, circle, circle? (Draw an invisible circle in the air.)
Can you draw a circle nice and round?
I can draw a circle, circle, circle.
I can draw a circle nice and round.
Square… 4 equal sides.
Triangle…3 sides that slant.
Rectangle…2 long and 2 short sides.
Have children draw shapes in the air with elbows, feet, noses, and other body parts.
Let children get up and touch different shapes in the room as you sing the song.
Body Shapes - Divide children into groups of 4 and challenge them to lay on the floor and make various shapes with their bodies.
Shape Spy Glass - Make spy glasses for “spying” shapes by wrapping construction paper around paper towel rolls.
Sew a Shape - Cut poster board or plastic place mats into geometric shapes. Hole punch around the edges. Children can take shoe laces and sew around the shapes.
Shape Collage - Cut geometric shapes out of construction paper. Let children glue them on a paper plate to make a collage. Children could also try to create simple objects from shapes.
Shape-a-Loo (Tune: “Here We Go Looby Loo” ) (Give children paper shapes to hold up as you sing.)
Here we go shape-a-loo (Roll hands and put up right hand.)
Here we go shape-a-lay. (Roll hands and put up left hand.)
Here we go shape a loo, (Roll hands and put up right hand.)
All on a happy school day. (Roll hands and put up left hand.)
You put your triangle in. (Children hold up triangle and put it in front.)
You take your triangle out. (Children put triangle behind them.)
Give your triangle a shake, shake, shake (Shake triangle.)
And turn it all about. (Circle it in front of them.)
Draw and Eat - Give children a paper plate, a piece of paper, and a pencil. Have them draw a circle to represent the paper plate on their paper. Put a triangular nacho chip on the plate. Ask them to draw what it looks like on their paper. Next, give them a square graham cracker and ask them to draw it. Place a round cookie and a rectangular cracker on the plate for them to draw. Finally, they get to eat their shape snack.
Pretzel Shapes - Give children pretzel sticks and pretzel twists and challenge them to make geometric shapes.
3 Dimensional Shapes - How about eating three dimensional shapes? Write “spheres” on one lunch sack and put cheese balls or malted milk balls inside. Write “cubes” on another sack and put cheese cubes or caramels inside. Put Combos or marshmallows in a sack labeled “cylinders.” Put Bugles or ice cream cones in a sack labeled “cones.” Take one sack at a time and have children brainstorm objects that are that shape. What could they eat that is that shape? Open the sack, pass out the snack, have the children describe the food, and then eat it!
Hickory Dickory Dock (Traditional Tune)
Hickory dickory dock. (Fold hands and tick tock back and forth.)
The mouse ran up the clock. (Run fingers up in the air over head.)
The clock struck one, (Clap one time.)
The mouse ran down. (Run fingers down.)
Hickory dickory dock.
Two – “Yahoo!” (Continue doing the movements above,
Three – “Whopee!” clapping the appropriate number of times.)
Four – “Do more!”
Five – “Let’s jive!”
Six – “Fiddlesticks!”
Seven – “Oh, heavens!”
Eight – “Life’s great!”
Nine – “So fine!”
Ten – “We’re near the end.”
Eleven – “We’re sizzlin’.”
Twelve – “I’m proud of myself.”
Have children make paper plate clocks and use as they sing this song.
Use your arms like the hands on a clock. Extend both arms over your head. On “one,” bring right arm down to the position of “one” on a clock. On “two,” bring right arm down to position of “two,” and so forth as you sing.
Digital Time - Place a digital clock by the wall clock in your classroom so children can associate both ways of telling time.
Giant Clock - Write the numerals 1-12 on paper plates. Arrange these on the floor to resemble a clock. Cut out 2 hands from construction paper. Attach one to the end of a ruler (hour hand) and one to the end of a yardstick (minute hand). Children arrange the hands on the floor to simulate the hands on a clock.