January 2009


More from Atlanta

Number Combinations (Linda Patterson, Lawrenceville, GA)
Put dots on paper plates (for example, 6 red dots and 2 blue dots). Flash the plates and children add them up and call out the answer.
Hint! Use bingo dotters or stickers on plates to make different combinations.

Alphabet Book (Megan Pope)
Let children suggest words and then use google images to find pictures and make an alphabet book.

Popcorn Words (Whitney Farmer, Pulaski Co., KY)
Write sight words on yellow poster board and place them in a popcorn container. Play Steve and Greg’s “Popcorn” song. Pull out words and read them.

Treasure Box Math (Whitney Farmer)
Buy treasure boxes at Hobby Lobby. Put 10 gems in the box. Take out three. How many are left in the box?

Occupation in a Bag (Megan Pope)
When studying community helpers, send home a paper bag with each student. Ask them to put in items that explain what their parents do. This is great for parents who are too busy to come in and speak about their jobs.

Flannel Stories (Debbie Wood)
Make flannel stories using interfacing. Color with permanent markers.

Sock Puppet (Debbie Wood)
Put a sock (caterpillar) on your arm. Make the items that the caterpillar eats in THE VERY HUNGRY CATERPILLAR for the children to put on your arm as you tell the story. The teacher attaches a butterfly with Velcro at the end.

Book Covers (Mayfield, KY)
Buy book covers from Walmart and use them for chair covers, crayons, boxes, etc. You might even find them on sale after school starts.

Paddle Ball Erase Boards (Mayfield, KY)
Instead of dry erase boards, get paddle balls with pictures on the back. Rip off the ball and string and they can be used like dry erase boards. Kids love them because they have handles and pictures.

Lokey Pokey (Kimberly Vaughn, Dillard Academy Charter)
Have the children write letters on index cards. Use them as you sing:
You put your a in,
You take your a out.
You put you a in and you sound it all out….
You do the lokey pokey and turn your letter around.
That’s what it’s all about – LOKEY POKEY!

Bubble Gum Words (Timara McCollum, Dillard Academy Charter)
When writing, put the word in your mouth like a stick of gum. Chew it up and think about the sounds. Blow the sounds out slowly and POP! Write the word and put it in a bubble. This teaches children to be confident writers and later will help with editing and spell check. (This came from MARVELOUS MINI-LESSONS.)

Mavalus Tape (Bonnie Dennison)
This is the greatest thing since sliced bed! You can buy it at teacher stores and use it to hold anything up on the wall. It won’t leave a mark and can be reused. It will even work on concrete walls.

Sound Muncher (Haley Kirby, Cresview, FL)
This song goes to the tune of “This Old Man.”
The Sound Muncher sings letter sound songs.
She/he sings letter sound songs all day long
With a “_”ick, “_”ack, “_”addywack sing her silly songs.
Won’t you come and sing along?

Fake It Til You Make It! (Haley Kirby)
Sometimes you just have to pretend you have Vaseline on your teeth and smile until it’s real!!

Money Poem (Haley Kirby)
Penny, penny
Easily spent.
Copper brown
And worth one cent!

Nickel, nickel
Thick and fat.
You’re worth five cents
I know that!

Dime, dime,
Little and thin.
I remember
You’re worth ten.

Quarter, quarter,
Big and bold.
You’re worth twenty-five cents
So I’m told!

Restaurant Menus
Collect children’s menus when you go out to eat and use them in the dramatic play center.

Rhyme Along with Me (Mary Horihan, Knoxville, TN)
Sing rhyming words to the tune of “Skip to My Lou.”
Cat, hat – these words rhyme.
Cat, hat – these words rhyme.
Cat, hat – these words rhyme.
Rhyme along with me.

Keep plugging in two rhyming words. You could also name a word and let the children supply a rhyming word. You can sing the song while walking to the playground, washing hands, etc.

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