January 2009


Time to Get Up
(Tune: Reveille)

It’s time to get up, it’s time to get up, (Rocking horse back and forth.)
Get up on your feet this morning.
It’s time to get up, it’s time to get up,
Get ready to learn today.
Get that blood flowing.
Get your heart going.
Move those arms and legs
And wake up your brain!
Power march!

Second Time - Hold your reins and do squats.
Power march!

Third Time - Backward lunge and then salute.

Activities: Why is it important to wake up your body and brain every morning?
How do you get your day started?
How do you feel if you don’t get enough sleep?
Why do you need to eat a good breakfast?
Give children a paper plate and ask them to draw a picture of a healthy breakfast.
Note! Linda Duncan of Lake County, Florida, starts her day by having her students “turn on their brains.” They turn on the left side (twist by left forehead), the right side (twist by right forehead), the left ear, the right ear, the left eye, and the right eye. They don’t have to turn on their mouths because they stay “on” all the time. Now they are ready to learn!!!

Hello Friends!
(Tune: Do Lord)

Hello, jell-o! (Tap opposite heels as you wave with arms.)
Hi there, grizzly bear!
How are you, caribou?
I’m fine, porcupine!
What’s up, buttercup?
Not much, coconut!
This is how our day begins.
Nice to see ya, tortilla! (Step from side to side as you open arms wide.)
Hi, hi, pumpkin pie!
How’ve you been, dolphin?
Just great, rattle snake.
What’s shakin’, little bacon?
Not a lot, tater tot!
This is how our day begins.
Bonjour, dinosaur! (Knees up and pull arms down at the same time.)
Good day, blue jay!
Howdy, brownie!
Welcome, bubble gum!
Hola, cola!
Yoo hoo, tennis shoe.
This is how our day begins.
Give me five, dragon fly. (Give high five to a friend.)
Shake a hand, rubber band. (Shake hands.)
Here’s a hug, doodlebug. (Hug.)
Wave to me, bumblebee. (Wave.)
Come on in, my friends (Open arms and sweep in.)
With a smile and song (Smile.)
This is how the day begins! (Clap.)

Activities: Let children walk around the room and greet friends by shaking hands, giving a high five, etc.
Let children illustrate the verses in this song and put them together to make a class book.
Learn to say good morning in different languages.
Talk about nonverbal language. How can we use our face and body to say “Hello” and “I’m glad to see you”?

Morning Stretch
(Tune: Morning Has Broken)

It feels so good to start the day by stretching. (Stretch up high on toes.)
Breath in deeply and then let the air out. (Slowly breath in and out.)
Breath in fresh air – push the stale air out.
Stand up tall. (Stand with crown of head reaching up.)
Look left then right. (Slowly look left and then right.)
Roll your neck around (Gently roll your head around in one direction.)
So it’s not too tight. (Roll head in opposite direction.)
Shoulders up and circle around (Shoulders up as if shrugging and around.)
Other direction without a sound. (Opposite direction.)
Slowly breath in and lift your arms up high. (Lift arms up and then down.)
Let the air out and bring your arms by your sides.
Now stretch your arms out (Stretch arms out in a T.)
Big circles make. (Make big circles with arms.)
Other direction, (Make circles in the opposite direction.)
Then swish and shake. (Swing arms like a dishrag left and right.)
Bend to the left with right arm over head (Straighten right arm and bend.)
Next on the right with left arm instead. (Straighten left arm and bend.)
Slowly… (Lift arms and breath in. Lower arms and exhale.)
Touch your toes, then stretch high in the air. (Touch toes then up.)
Once more touch toes, lift up your cares.
Heel up and bend down first on the right. (Right heel up and stretch.)
Then left heel up and bend with toes in sight. (Left heel stretch.)
Slowly… (Lift arms and breath in. Lower arms and exhale.)
Stretch the right calf, and then the other side. (Place foot back – heel down.)
Stand tall as can be and hug yourself with pride. (Wrap arms around self.)
Bring the corners of your mouth up toward your eyes.
Think of something happy and give big smile! (Squeeze body and smile.)

Activities: Why do you need to stretch before you exercise?
What are some other ways you can stretch?
How do cats and dogs stretch?
Why is it important to lower your heart rate and “cool down” after you exercise?
What are some ways to “cool down?”

ABC Kick Box

Let’s all jump up and kick box the alphabet. (Dukes up, shoulders back, elbows in and make small circles with fists.)
Jab with your right hand and say the letter;
Then punch across with your left as you make the sound.
Back on your left foot to begin.
A - /a/
B - /b/
Speed bag and make little circles. (Up, down, left, right.)
Upper cut. (Punch down and up.)
Hook. (Forearm across body.)
This time we’re going to say the alphabet backwards starting with Z.
We’ll jab with our left hand and say the letter;
Then punch across with the right as you make the sound.
Back on your right foot to begin.
Z - /z/
Y - /y/

Activities: Rule number one in martial arts – never fight! Use your words.
We do kick boxing to exercise, practice coordination, and help us concentrate.
Role play being angry and what you can do.
Invite a martial arts expert in to share with your class.
Punch out names, word wall words, vocabulary words, etc.

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