D- Dirt Painting


dirt, water, plastic container, brushes, paper


Mix the dirt with water to make a thick liquid. Paint a picture with brushes or with fingers.


Look for different types of soil to create different shades of "dirt” paint.

More! Make dot designs for D.


E- Eye Dropper Painting


paint, paper, eye droppers


Fold a sheet of paper in half. Drop several colors of paint on the paper with the eye droppers (or spoons). Fold in half and rub to make the colors "squish” together.


Cut a large butterfly shape out of paper and use this technique to decorate it. Drizzle paint on one sheet of paper. Put a second sheet on top and roll over the surface with a rolling pin.

Eye Dropper

F - Finger Painting


finger paint, finger paint paper, water, sponge


Wet the paper with a sponge. Put a heaping tablespoon of paint on the paper. Make designs with fingers, knuckles, fists, etc. Let children finger paint on a plastic lunchroom tray. Lay the paper on top, press, lift, and you will have the finger paint design.


Cut the paper into seasonal shapes or designs. Use two primary colors so children can mix to make a secondary color. Make your own finger paint by adding dry tempera to liquid starch. Finger paint with instant chocolate pudding. Finger paint with shaving cream on tables and desks.

More! Do food color dip for F. Take a paper towel and fold it into a small square. Take 4 small cups and put water and a few drops of food coloring in each cup. Dip each corner of the paper towel into a different color. Open and dry.

Food Color

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