Send a letter to the parents with directions and suggestions for how they can use the summer fun projects. Be enthusiastic and encouraging as you remind parents that they are, indeed, their child’s first and most important teacher!
Do a job around the house.
Write your name on a piece of paper – first, middle, and last. What are your initials?
How many toes does your family have? How many thumbs? How many noses?
Read a book together. Retell the story in your own words.
Tell someone your whole address. What city do you live in? What state? What’s the name of your country?
Have someone call out these letters, and see if you can write them:
W, J, B, K, N, S, T.
How many eggs are in a dozen? How many days in a week? How many months in the year?
Act out the opposites of these words: hot, up, tall, fast, loud, front, sad, over, top. Check out the PowerPoint in the Downloads section. It goes with the "Opposite Song" on the CD, Keep On Singing with Dr. Jean.
Draw a person and put as many body parts as you can.
Can you say your phone number? Can you write it?
Help your parents cook something for dinner.
Sing the alphabet song. Can you sing it backwards?
How many nursery rhymes can you say? Can your parents teach you a new one?
How many months are there in a year? Can you name them? When is your birthday?
Count backwards from 10 to 0. Can you write the numbers?
Ask your parents to teach you a game they liked when they were your age.
What does a plant need to live? What do animals need to live?
Find an interesting picture in a magazine and make up a story about it.