December 2008


Gifts from the Heart



Materials: paper, paint, ink pad, markers, wrapping paper scraps
Directions: Let children use fingerprints or handprints to make “one of a kind” holiday cards. They can also make a colorful collage by gluing bits of wrapping paper to a blank card.


Materials: tissue paper, paper plates, paint, cookie cutters, sponges
Directions: Fold a paper towel and place it on a paper plate. Pour paint on the paper towel. Cut sponges into holiday shapes. Children dip the sponges and cookie cutters in the paint and print on the tissue paper.
Adaptations: Recycle paper grocery sacks for wrapping paper. Let children paint with pine boughs on newspaper to create wrapping paper.


Materials: juice or vegetable can, glue, pasta, spray paint
Directions: Remove the label from the can. Let children glue pasta (bow ties, spirals, macaroni, etc.) around the can. Spray paint gold or silver.
Adaptations: Children can also cover a can with construction paper. Next, let them create a collage on the can with pictures and words cut from magazines.

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