Let’s Get Messy! -

Summer’s the perfect time for getting messy and being creative!

Mud Pies
(Not edible, but definitely great fun!)

        4 cups dirt
        1 cup flour

Mix the dirt and flour with water until it molds and sticks together. Shape into cookies, pies, birds’ nests, and other shapes. Dry in the sun.

Squirt! Squirt!

Save spray bottles from cleaning products. (Make sure you rinse them out well first!). Fill them with water and let the children squirt each other, water plants, clean lawn furniture, etc.

Adaptations: A sponge, a paintbrush, and a bucket of water will also entertain children for hours. They can sponge off a tree, their riding toys, or themselves. They can paint the house or playground equipment.

Bubble Cups

        Liquid dish detergent

Fill the cup half way with water. Squirt in some dish detergent. Give children a straw and tell them to BLOW! (If you'll put a pin prick at the top of the straw, it's less likely that they'll suck up soapy water. I’d also have children practice blowing on their hand with the straw before putting it in the cup so they could get the idea.) The bubbles will spill over the cup and are fun to pat on arms, legs, etc. It's great to run through the sprinkler after you "paint" your body with bubbles.

Adaptations: Add a drop of food coloring to the solution to make colored bubbles.

Give children a pan of water and an egg beater. (Most children have never seen one of these before except in books!) Add a squirt of detergent to the water and let them "beat" up some bubbles.

Rub A Dub Dub

Have children bring their washable dolls and toys to school. Fill tubs with water and soap, and then have a bathing party. Add sponges, wash clothes, and squirt bottles.

Adaptations: Let children wash doll clothes and hang them on a clothesline with spring clothespins to dry.

Sidewalk Chalk

        Plaster of Paris
        Dry tempera
        Small paper cups

Fill small cups half full with Plaster of Paris. Add a heaping spoonful of dry tempera and stir to distribute the color. Pour in a small amount of water and stir quickly. (Add enough water so it looks like thick gravy.) Set until dry. Peel away the cup and you'll have great sidewalk chalk.

Adaptations: Children can write, draw pictures, or make hopscotch with the chalk. They can also design roads on which to ride bikes and tricycles. Challenge them to use their imaginations and create stores, traffic signs, and other symbols on the cement.

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