November, 2007 -

Journal – Make journals for children to write in over their Thanksgiving vacation. Fold two sheets of paper in half. Punch holes about 2” from each end as shown. Insert a rubber band in one hole and slide the end of a fork through the loop. Insert the other end of the rubber band through the other hole and insert the other end of the fork through that loop.

My Thanksgiving Journal
Click for larger image

Comparisons – Use a Venn diagram to compare what it would have been like to visit grandmother a long time ago and how we visit now. How are things the same?

Comparisons - Venn Diagram
Click for larger image

Graphs – Make a graph of how the children will travel to their Thanksgiving dinner. Car? Plane? Train? Bus? Boat? Stay at home!

Over the River – 4th Thursday in November
(Traditional Tune)

Over the river and through the woods    (Pretend to hold reins of a sleigh
To grandmother’s house we go.               and drive as you bounce up and down.)
The horse knows the way                       (Put hands behind back and nod
To carry the sleigh                                    like a horse.)
Through the white and drifted snow.
Over the river and through the woods,     (Pretend to drive sleigh.)
Oh, how the wind does blow.                   (Wrap arms around self and shiver.)
It stings your toes and bites your nose    (Touch nose and point to toes.)
As over the ground we go.

Through the country and cities far                  (Pretend to drive a car.)
In sun or wind or rain.
We might go by train,                                    (Pull down on train whistle.)
We might take a plane,                                 (Fly hand like a plane in the air.)
Or maybe a bus or car.                                 (Hold out right hand, then left.)
Through low valleys and mountains high      (Look down low and then up.)
Now, grandmother’s house I spy.                  (Hand over eyes.)
Hurrah, for the fun!                                       (One fist in the air.)
Is the turkey done?
Hurrah for the pumpkin pie!                          (Cheer with other fist.)

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