August, 2007

School Cheer
(Tune: Father Abraham)

It's going to be a great year!                     (Have children stand.)
Let's get started with a cheer!
This song is really cool.
Just fill in the name of your school.

(Name of school) School has many friends.
There are many friends at (name of school).
I am one of them,                                       (Point to self.)
And so are you.                                           (Point to a friend.)
So let's all give a cheer.
Right arm.                                                    (Begin moving right arm up and down.)

Continue adding left arm…right foot…left foot…nod your head.

End by singing, "Turn around and sit down."

School Cheer Book - Thanks to Martha Shehan for this book that you can download to go with the song. Click the Files to Download link at the left to locate and download this book and print it.

School Cheer


Name Tags - Fold paper in fourths. Let children decorate with their name, stickers, drawings, and designs. Fold under the bottom edge to make a triangular nametag to place on their desk or table.

Magnetic Name - Write children's names on index cards. Attach magnetic tape to the backs. Write a "Question of the Day" each day on the board. As children come to school, they can find their name and place it under the appropriate column. Count and compare.


Autograph Book - Make blank books by stapling several sheets of colored paper together. Let children walk around the room and get their friends' autographs.

Class Quilt - Give each child an 8" square of paper. They can decorate this at school or take it home and decorate it with their families. Punch holes in the corners and tie together with string to make a quilt. Hang in your classroom or outside in the hall.

Class Quilt

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