Vacation Time

Beep! Choo! Zoom! Honk!
(Tune: "Coming Round the Mountain")

We値l be going on vacation in our car.   (Pretend to drive a car.)
Beep-beep.                                            (Pretend to honk horn.)
We値l be going on vacation in our car.
We値l be going on vacation.
We値l be going on vacation.
We値l be going on vacation in our car.

Train - choo choo        (Put arms by sides and pretend to chug.)
Plane - zoom zoom     (Make a plane with your hand and fly around.)
Bus - honk, honk         (Pretend to pull down on a horn.)
Oh, we値l all have lots of fun when we go
Beep beep, choo choo, zoom zoom, honk honk. . .

Graph - Discuss different types of transportation. Make a class graph of the type of transportation they would choose if they went on a trip. Show the children a globe or a map and have them problem solve how they could get from your state to another place in the world. For example: "If you wanted to go from our school to the South Pole, how do you think you would get there?"

Maps - Children are fascinated by maps. Most states, cities, and chamber of commerce offices will send you maps free. Invite children to make a map of your classroom, school, or community. This would be a good project for a small group to work on.