5) Let’s Have a Paper Plate Party!
Materials: paper plates, music
Directions: Put on some music and here we go!
*Clap the plates like cymbals.
*Shuffle them to the beat.
*Tap on the hips, shoulders, and other body parts.
*Clap high, low, in front of you, behind.
*Play “follow the leader” as you take turns doing movements with the plates.
*Place the paper plates on the floor. Put one foot on each plate and slide feet and skate.
Can you skate backwards? Can you
balance on one foot?
Hint! Decorate plates with markers or crayons. |
6) Magic Wand
Materials: aluminum foil
cardboard roller from a pants hanger
glue, glitter, tape
Directions: Take a sheet of foil and lay it
diagonally on the table. Place the
cardboard roller on one point and
slowly roll it in the foil towards the
opposite point. Tape the end of the
foil and trim the ends. Dip one end
of the wand in glue, then roll it in
glitter. Taa daa! Children can use
their wands to make a wish.
7) Cardboard Rollers
Materials: cardboard rollers from paper
towel rolls, music
Directions: *Give children two rollers to use
like drumsticks. Play some music
and keep the beat on the floor or
*Tap them like lummi sticks with a
*Use the cardboard roller like a spy
glass. Do you see something
blue? Can you find a square?
Hint! Let children decorate paper towel rolls with
markers or crayons. They can “roll up” their
papers and insert them in the paper towel tote to
carry them home!
8) Magazine Puppets
Materials: magazines, newspaper,
scissors, straws, stapler or tape
Directions: Cut sports figures and other famous people out of newspapers or magazines. Staple or tape to a straw to make a puppet. What would your puppet say if it could talk?
Hint! Children can also cut people that look like family members from catalogs to make puppets.
Cut out children’s photos and tape to a craft stick to make “personal puppets.”