Some children are missing out on childhood

I mourn the fact that some children are missing out on a childhood. They don’t know how to play, dream, or pretend because they are in front of a television or computer screen all day. “Camelot” was a Broadway musical about an idyllic country where everything was perfect! My daughter and I have adapted the opening song to recall how special “childhood” used to be. Several of you have heard me sing this song at conferences and requested I put it on my website. Enjoy!

Although I can’t turn back the clock, I can give you a suggestion a teacher shared with me that sounds like a FUN way to end each week. This teacher explained that they have LIFT (Learning Is Fun Time) the last 20 minutes every Friday. All the classes in a particular grade level get together and end the week by singing. What a brilliant idea! Hope you’ll try it!


By Dr. Jean and Dr. Holly
(Tune: “Camelot”)

We used to paint, do puzzles, play with play dough,
Read stories, play with blocks, and play pretend.
We sang and we held hands and we danced
In childhood!
Workbooks were forbidden until first grade.
Testing? Absolutely NOT!
We started every day with a song
And played outside a lot!

Childhood! Childhood!
I know it sounds a bit bizarre.
But in childhood! Childhood!
That’s how conditions were.

We had show and tell and field trips,
Cooking, parties, sandboxes, and swings.
In short there was simply not,
A more wonderful spot
For creating happy memories
Than in our own childhood.

Our playgrounds were perfect.
We never misbehaved.
And did our parents and teachers love us!
Learning was like play with games and centers.
And we all learned just the same - in our own way.
We felt special and worthy and capable!

Childhood! Childhood!
I know it gives you teachers pause,
But in childhood! Childhood!
There were developmental laws.

We didn’t have worksheets or computers.
We hugged, explored, and had lots of time to dream.
In short there was simply not
A more memorable spot
For creating happy grown-ups
Than in our own childhoods!