Autograph Book - Cut paper in fourths. Have children count out the number of sheets for the children in your class. Hole punch and tie with a ribbon. Children walk around the room and get their friends' autographs.

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Hint! You could also let them collect their friends' phone numbers.

Memory Shirt - Have children bring in an old t-shirt from home. (White works best.) Provide them with fabric pens and let them have friends write their names on their shirts.

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Hint! Plan several days for this project. It's "no fun” if you have to do it all at once.

Adaptation: Children bring in a pillowcase and have their friends draw pictures on it. They will have "sweet dreams” all summer!

Friendship Necklace - You will need construction paper, yarn, markers, and hole punches for this project. Cut the construction paper into 2 ½” squares or circles. Each child will need as many pieces as there are students in your room. Have them write their name and draw pictures on their shapes. Punch holes. Now comes the fun part! Children get to go around the room and give a shape to each of their friends. Encourage them to say something kind they remember about their friend as they pass them out. Finally, children string the shapes on yarn and knot the ends to make a necklace.

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