August 2004

Name Games

Cookies | Sound | Looking | Name Cards | Name Art



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Have children use their names for different art projects. Use these personal creations to decorate bulletin boards, walls, cubbies, and your classroom.

Name Art

Pennants: Give children paper cut in the shape of pennants to decorate with their names and pictures of things they like cut from magazines.
Banners: Have children decorate banners with their names, pictures of their families, things that are special about them, etc. (This would be a fun project for children to do at home with their parents.)
Nameplate: Take construction paper and fold into fourths as shown. Have children write their name and decorate on three sections. Staple the fourth section under to make a triangular nameplate.
Acrostic: Ask children to write their first name vertically down the side of a sheet of paper. Challenge them to think of a word for each letter that describes them.
Name Chain: Cut construction paper into 9" x 2" strips. Give one to each child to decorate with his or her name and pictures and designs. Staple the strips together to make a "friendship chain" that can be hung in your classroom. Discuss how the members in your classroom need to take care of each other and work together to be strong like a chain. If one person doesn't cooperate, then it hurts the rest of the chain.
Class Quilt: Give each child an 8" square on which to draw their face and write their name. (Provide a mirror so the children can look at their face as they draw.) Glue the squares to a larger sheet of bulletin board paper and glue yarn bows in between the squares to resemble a quilt.
Hint! Provide the children with body color markers and crayons.

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