MAY 2004


Great ideas for parents and children to do together!

Seven pages of May Activities. Click below to see next pages.



Send a letter to the parents with directions and suggestions for how they can use the summer fun projects. Be enthusiastic and encouraging as you remind parents that they are, indeed, their child's first and most important teacher!

As children do the different projects, have them draw and write about their experiences.

Look in the mirror. What do you like about yourself?

Draw a picture of the city. Turn your paper over and draw a picture of the country.

Take a walk and use your senses. What do you see? Hear? Smell? Touch?

How many seasons are there in a year? Name them.

Name three things in your house that are shaped like a rectangle. Find four things shaped like a circle. Find five things shaped like a circle.

How many numbers can your write on a sheet of paper?

Act out how different animals move. Can you fly like a bird? Can you swim like a fish? Can you hop like a kangaroo? Can you walk like a bear? Can you wiggle like a snake? What other animal can you be?

Draw a picture of something you like to do with your family.

How many hours are there in a day? Can you tell someone the numbers on a clock?

Work a puzzle with your parents.

Make word labels for five things in your house.

Look at a book and show someone these things: a letter, a word, a sentence, and a capital letter.

Ask your parents to tell you three things they like best about you.

Count and see how many spoons are in your kitchen. How many glasses?

Finish this sentence: "I wish I were____________."

Play the "what if' game. "What would you do if a stranger tried to take you for a ride in their car?" "What would you do if someone tried to give you drugs?" "What would you do if your house caught on fire?" "What, would you do if you found $20?"

Sing a song to your parents.

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