Click the Month |
Summer 2001 | Ice Cream in a Bag |
May 2001 | Sports Day |
April 2001 | Spring Flowers |
March 2001 | Lions, Kites and Leprechauns |
February 2001 | Groundhogs and Presidents |
January 2001 | Snow Dough |
Anytime | Cheers, Chants and Celebrations |
Archives |
November 1999 to June 2000 |
Jingle Bell Painting |
November 2000 |
Nuts To You |
October 2000 |
Scarecrow Sandwich |
September 2000 |
Believe It or Not, I Was Once a Kindergartener |
Beach bags of bubble fun |
Teach your class finger plays and make footerflies |
Nest Building, Earthweek and Baggie Books |
Leprechauns and Kites |
Songs, Snacks and Abe Lincoln |
Snowballs and Birdwatchers |
December 1999 | Parents will treasure these holiday gifts for years to come. |
November 1999 | What a great month to focus on families! |