Here's a beach bag children can load up with summer fun.



Let each child decorate a paper grocery sack with markers or paints.
Punch holes in the top of the sack and tie on pieces of yarn for handles.
Make an activity calendar to go in the beach bag.
Add recipes, songs, poems, games, and field trip ideas to enjoy all summer long.
(Be sure to check with your local public library to get a copy of their summer events.)

Make giant bubbles with a solution of Dawn detergent and water.
(Fill a bowl or tub with water. Squeeze in a lot of Dawn. Make a circle with your thumb and index finger, dip it in the solution, and try blowing a bubble. Keep adding Dawn until you can make a bubble.)
To make a giant blower, cut a straw in half.
Thread an 18" piece of yarn through the straws and knot the ends together.
Hold a straw section in each hand, dip in the bubble solution, then gently pull through the air.

Let children make a memory book at the end of the year. Ask the children to draw a picture of a favorite thing they did or learned during the school year.
Have them write or dictate a sentence to go with their pictures.
Put their pictures together and make a front and back cover.
Make sure to add a page for "authors and illustrators" where children can sign their names.
You might also want to add a publisher, copyright date, and dedication.

Oh, and don't forget "The End."

(If you have the resources, photocopy the book so each child will have a personal copy.)

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