Ball - Blow up a beach ball and write the children's names
on it with a permanent marker. Have the children sit on the floor
in a circle. Roll the ball to a child. Encourage that child to
identify the name on the top of the ball, and then roll the ball
to that friend. The game continues as children read each other's
names. |
Class Book - Make a "Welcome to (Teacher's Name)'s Room" book. Take
a picture of each child. |
It or Not, I Was Once a Kindergartener, First Grader, etc."
School Song - To help children learn the name of their school, principal, teacher, etc. teach them this song to the tune of "The Wheels on the Bus." The
name of my school is (school name), (school name), (school name).
name of my teacher is... |
Story Bottle - This bottle is a great way to encourage oral language and gather base line data on children's language development. Get
a plastic bottle or jar and fill it with 5 to 7 interesting little
toys or objects. |
- Get to know each other and develop math skills by creating class
graphs. |