Materials: wood scraps, plastic hooks, paint
Directions: Let children decorate the wood with paints or markers. Attach hooks with sticky backs. Use for hanging scarves, belts, necklaces, etc.
Materials: paper, markers, pens, construction paper, ribbon
Directions: Each child will need 3 sheets of paper. Cut the paper into fourths lengthwise to make 12 pages. On each page, children write (or dictate) a different job they could do for their parents, such as set the table, give a back rub, clean their room, etc. Make a cover from construction paper. Hole punch in the upper left hand corner and tie with a ribbon.
Materials: overhead projector, black construction paper, white paper
Directions: Tape black construction paper to the wall. Have one child at a time sit on a stool about 1 foot from the paper. Shine the light on the child’s head and trace around her shadow. Cut the silhouette out of the black paper and glue it to a white sheet of paper.
Materials: rocks or stones (about the size of a fist), markers, felt, wiggly eyes, yarn, glue
Directions: Go on a rock hunt and let each child find a special rock. Have children wash their rocks and set them aside to dry. Decorate the rocks with wiggly eyes, markers, yarn hair, etc. Glue a piece of felt on the bottom to make a paper weight.
Adaptation: Let children name their rocks and write stories about how to care for them.
Materials: plaster of paris or hardening clay, spray paint, ribbon
Directions: Prepare plaster of paris according to directions and quickly pour it into a shallow plastic lid or plastic dish that is slightly larger than the child’s hand. Have the child place her hand in the mixture and hold it for a few minutes to make a print. (Write her name and date with a toothpick. Punch a hole for hanging with a straw.) Dry. Remove from mold. Spray paint and attach a piece of ribbon for hanging.
Materials: paper towel rolls, stickers, yarn, lace, fabric, buttons
Directions: Cut the cardboard roll into 1 ¼ ” sections. Decorate with stickers, yarn, fabric, lace, etc.
Adaptation: Insert holiday napkins.
Cut wrapping paper into 2 ½” x 6” rectangles. Spread glue on the back side of the wrapping paper and then wrap it around the cardboard roll. Tuck in the top and bottom to make your napkin ring.
Materials: cardboard, puzzle pieces, glue, photograph
Directions: Cut cardboard into 4” x 8” picture frames. Let children glue puzzle pieces around the edges. Tape a photo to the back.
Adaptations: Add a magnetic strip to the back so it can be hung on the refrigerator.
Decorate with buttons for mom and say “Cute as a button!”
Decorate with golf tees for dad.