Contact Dr. Jean




Most often, people need to contact us about a problem with an order for music. Others need a W-9 form, have a question about an upcoming workshop or need to schedule a workshop.

Purchase Order Information - Click here.

For any of the above, including support related to your order, or for general questions and comments, send us a note through our online contact form by clicking here. Personal notes for Dr. Jean will be forwarded to her.

All questions and requests for assistance with orders for music should be sent to us with our online contact form. All tech support is provided through Dr. Jean's web master. He receives all of the contact forms sent by clicking the link above and responds to them within 24 hours whenever possible. Most often the response time is much less than 24 hours.

To contact Dr. Jean:

Call (404) 386-9057

Write to:

3037 Marshgate Drive
Seabrook Island, SC 29455


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Dr. Jean's Homepage

Copyright, Dr. Jean Feldman, 1997 - 2013