Order albums and/or singles as well as printables.

One click will now download an entire album.

You need to be familiar with unzipping files, more info here.

Click here for Windows zip information.

Zip files are not new; they have been around since 1989. Even so, not everyone uses them, so they might be new to you.
Look at the bottom of this page for a way to get your files without waiting for the email.

Mac zip files:

Most often, unzipping on a Mac is quite straight-forward. After you download the file using the link provided on the screen or in the follow-up email, just find the file and double-click the icon.
Here is the standard zip file icon (note this icon image is enlarged; it will be smaller on your computer) you will most often see on a Mac:

Before and After

Once you have the folder icon with the song files, you can move the songs to iTunes and then put them on your iPhone or iPad.
If, for some reason, unzipping as shown here does not work, here are some links that might help:

Stuff It Expander - A free unzip tool

Keka - Another free tool

Unarchiver - A free tool in the Mac App Store

Instructions from the Dummies series


We recently exchanged emails with a teacher trying to unzip a mac file. We learned about a new zip tool from her:


Hi there,
Regarding the order below - I am having difficulty opening the "Kiss your Brain" download. It has downloaded onto my Macbook, but in spite of the fact that I have the Keka application, when I try to unzip it an error message pops up.
Can you suggest any other way for me to unzip this file?
We sent a fresh set of links for your order.
In addition, here is another link for the Kiss Your Brain CD.
You might try a Control click on the file and use the menu there to unzip or decompress the file.
Let me know whether or not you get it to work.
Thanks for your reply. I downloaded it again, using the new link you sent and did a control - click on the file. It then only gave me two options: open with Archive Utility or Keka. Both gave me an error message again, "fatal error".
Any other suggestions?
Hi again,
Please ignore my previous message - success at last! I downloaded the Unarchiver app (it was free :-)) and it worked.


Here is a link to Unarchiver.


If you are using Windows, unzipping is also fairly simple. As with so many tasks on Windows, "right-clicking" is the key to success.

YouTube Video for Windows 7

Video from MicroSoft about Unzipping

7Zip - A free unzip tool for Windows

WinZip - Free 30 Day Trial

If none of this helps, try a google search for unzip mac or unzip windows.