Good Times Are on the Way 

Happies - Buy Individual Months, A Half Year or Save Even More by getting the Complete Set.

Using an iPad or iPhone? Click here to read our notes.


Check these links for info about downloading files:

Zip files


PDF files

Purchase the complete set of nine Happies packets. Or, purchase just a month at a time.

Either way you will have many activities and songs for your students.

Each monthly packet contains over 100 pages of seasonally appropriate materials.


Need information about using zip files?

Click here.


All of the Happies series are downloadable eBooks. Lyrics for all songs are included.

Happies for Back to School - Free

First Half - October, November, December and January

Second Half - February, March, April and May

Individual Packets
$5.95 Each

Happies for October

Happies For November
Click here for November Preview
or click below to

Happies for December
Click here for December Preview
or click below to

Click here to see all songs by month


Total Package -

All Nine Happies downloads with songs and lyrics $25.95;

a savings of more than $30 over buying them separately.


Happies for February

Happies for March

Happies for April

Happies for May