Rise and Shine
April, 2016

It’s springtime and we have a special video called “Rise and Shine” for you to start your day. 
         Click here to view video on YouTube.

Also check out Dr. Jean's BOGO for Earth Day and Mother's Day

April brings showers, but it also brings National Poetry Month!

A Poem

By Dr. Holly

A poem, a poem
Is a very special thing.
It takes the words
And makes them sing.

A poem is a present,
A poem is a treat
With words piled like ice-cream
In your bowl to eat!

A poem, a poem
Is a treasure and an art
So always carry one
With you in your heart.

Poetry is a natural and interesting way to develop literacy skills.  With all the emphasis on standards and assessment, they can be like a breath of fresh air.  They can add joy, imagination, creativity, and FUN to your classrooms!

            Say them,
                     Read them,
                                 Sing them,
                                             Chant them,
                                                         Clap them,
                                                                     Snap them,
                                                                               But above all, ENJOY them!

Here are eight great reasons for integrating poetry in your classroom:

1. Poetry develops oral language.

2. Poetry develops auditory memory.

3. Poetry helps children make print connections.

4. Poetry develops phonological awareness (rhyme, rhythm, alliteration).

5. Poetry enhances fluency.

6. Poetry develops vocabulary.

7. Poetry sparks children’s interest in reading.

8. Poetry helps children fall in love with language.

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