January, 2014

The only way to the head is through the heart.  These handshakes will enable you to look in each child’s eyes and make an emotional connection that will impact the rest of the day.  There’s something magic in the sense of touch!
Think of these “Happy Handshakes” as a buffet.  You can pick and choose which ones will work best for the age level that you teach.  Choose a different handshake each week and use it every day.  Write the handshake on a sentence strip and cut out a picture clue as shown.   When you’ve demonstrated all of the handshakes, then you can select a child each day choose the one that they like best.
There’s also a free song download titled, “Community Helpers” in English and Spanish.  Thanks to Kristine Gough for the PPT based on this song. The PPT is available in both English and Spanish as well.
In addition, we have a Martin Luther King package in the Song Store. Click here for more information.

Happy New Year!
Visit often in 2014 for Common Core and MORE!




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