Let’s Go on a Picnic!
May, 2013

Who can resist the thought of spending a day outside this time of year?   Here’s a free song download so you can all go on a picnic!  You’ll also find activities where children can LEARN and PLAY outside.  Will you come out and play with me?

Basket for Lunch


Going On a Picnic
(Children repeat each line.)
We’re going on a picnic.                                       (Slap hands on thighs to the beat.)
We’re going to pack a big one.                             (Arms out wide.)
With sandwiches, cookies, and lemonade, too.    (Pretend to pack in your basket.)
Look over there.                                                   (Hand over eyes.)
It’s some tall grass.
Can’t go over it.                                           (Hands up in the air.)
Can’t go under it.                                         (Hands down low.)
Can’t go around it.                                       (Circle hands around in front of body.)
I guess we’ll go through it.                          (Shrug shoulders.)
Swish, swish, swish, swish!                           (Brush palms against each other.)

Look over there.                                           (Hands over eyes.)
It’s a lake…
I guess we’ll row across it.
Row, row, row your boat.                              (Pretend to row a boat.)

Look over there.                                           (Hands over eyes.)
It’s a swamp…
Ooeey, gooey, ooey, gooey.                          (Pretend to tiptoe through mud.)

Look over there.                                           (Hands over eyes.)
It’s a park.                                                     (Pretend to point at different things.)
It’s nice and shady.
It’s got a picnic bench.
We’re all so hungry
Let’s go eat!                                                  (Pretend to eat.)
Mmmmmmmm!                                             (Pat tummy.)

*Let children make a map showing the different places they passed on the way to the picnic.

Song Map


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