January 2009


“Jewels” from Camp Kindergarten
August, 2009 -


There are some JEWELS here, but you’ll have to discover them! Look at this picture of all the notes teachers gave me at Camp Kindergarten! I did the best I could to decipher and describe the activities, but please forgive me if they are confusing or if I didn’t give you credit. (Writing these up was one of the most challenging things I did all summer!!!)

Click for larger image

The truth is that teachers are masters of “Acquisition and Adaptation.” You can take these “jewels” and polish them and change them to work for you! (Some of these ideas are so cool that they make me want to go into a classroom tomorrow and try them out!)

Thank you to all the teachers who were Kindergarten Campers! It was like being at a revival. There is a great deal of frustration and stress in education, but there is also a great deal of JOY and meaningful fulfillment as we try to put a smile on children’s faces and give them happy memories. We were reminded once again that we need to “hold hands and stick together”!

You will find suggestions and ideas on the following pages. Check out every one of them.

Downloads for August - We have downloadable files for you this month. Be sure to check them all. You will find patterns for some activities, cards for Alphardy, and three powerpoints. Just use the Downloads button in the menu to the left.

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