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October, 2007 -

Isn’t October a great month?

The children have settled into the school routine (hopefully!), and there are lots of exciting things happening this month with fall festivals and field trips to the pumpkin patch. I hope these songs and activities will add to the memories you create!

Columbus Day (Tune: “Going Over, Going Under”)

Columbus sailed the ocean blue in 1492    (Stand and salute
                                                                      alternating left and
The Nina, and the Pinta, and the Santa Maria, too.     right hand.)
Going over, going under, in the Atlantic Ocean’s thunder, (Make
                                                                 hands go up and down.)
What a brave thing to do!           (Thumbs in to chest.)

When Columbus set sail, he knew the earth was round.  (Make a
He was amazed at all the lands and the people he found.   circle

Going over, going under, in the Atlantic Ocean’s thunder, (Make
                                                                  hands go up and down.)
What a brave thing to do! (Thumbs in to chest.)

Columbus visited Bahamas, Cuba, South America, too. (Hold up
On October 12 we remember him and his crew.   (Index finger
                                                                           in air and shake.)
Going over, going under, in the Atlantic Ocean’s thunder, (Hands
                                                                                 up and down.)
What a brave thing to do! (Thumbs in to chest.)

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