The school year is “Marching” along. I know children get restless this time of year, so this month I’ve put together some activities where children can “wiggle and learn.” You’ll find cross-lateral activities and “brain breaks” that you can use throughout the day to energize the brain and release energy.

Sign language can be a powerful tool for learning because it activates many senses at the same time. You’ll find some suggestions for simple ways you can implement sign language to improve classroom management, as well as alphabet knowledge and word recognition. You will be amazed at how sign language captures children’s attention! There is also a book to download to encourage children to learn the manual signs for letters. Whole Alphabet

Do some “movin’ math” with the “Counting Cadence” book that Sandy Elsasser created. And thanks to Angie Cales for sharing her “Macarena Math” book. Oh, and you’ll also find some special poems for this month!

Counting Cadence Book Cover