Materials: paper, markers, pens, construction paper, ribbon
Directions: Each child will need 3 sheets of paper. Cut the paper into
fourths to make 12 pages. On each page, children write (or dictate) a
different job they could do for their parents, such as set the table, give
a back rub, clean their room, etc. Make a cover from construction
paper. Hole punch in the upper left hand corner and tie with a ribbon.
Materials: overhead projector, black construction paper, white paper
Directions: Tape black construction paper to the wall. Have one child
at a time sit on a stool about 1 foot from the paper. Shine the light on
the child's head and trace around their shadow. Cut the silhouette
out of the black paper and glue it to a white sheet of paper.
Materials: rocks or stones (about the size of a fist),
markers, felt,
wiggly eyes, yarn, glue
Directions: Go on a rock hunt and let each child find a special
rock. Have children wash their rocks and set them aside to dry. Decorate
the rocks with wiggly eyes, markers, yarn hair, etc. Add a piece of
felt to the bottom to make a paper weight.
Adaptations: Let children name their rocks and write stories
about how to care for them.
Materials: plaster of paris or hardening clay, spray paint,
Directions: Prepare plaster of paris according to directions
and quickly pour it into a shallow plastic lid or plastic dish that is slightly
larger than the child's hand.
Have the children place their hands in the
mixture and hold it for a few minutes to make a print.
(Write their
name and date with a toothpick. Punch a hole for hanging with a
Dry. Remove from mold. Spray paint and attach a piece of
ribbon for hanging.
Materials: glass jar or bottle, tissue paper, white glue, old
paint brush
Directions: Let the children cut or tear the tissue
paper into
1" squares, triangles, and shapes.
Dilute the glue with water, then
brush it on the jar.
Apply tissue paper all over the jar.
Dry. Apply
another coat of glue and tissue paper.
End by brushing over the
entire surface with glue.