October 2002


Kangaroos and Witch's Stew



Sizzle, sizzle, crackle, pop!
Stir it in the witch's pot. Bones, stones, and frog eyes, too.
Add worms and gizzards to the stew.
Sizzle, sizzle, what a treat!
Mix and stir, and then we'll eat!

Recipe for witches' stew.
Place the items below in separate lunch sacks.
Write "bones," "stones," etc. on each sack.
Take a large bowl and dump in the items as you say the chant. Stir.

Bones -pretzel sticks
Stones -peanuts
Frog eyes -Cheerios
Worms -raisins
Gizzards -M& M's

*Serve in flat bottom ice cream cone.

(Teachers do this activity on children's backs to transition them to wash hands, get ready to go home, etc.)

Criss cross (Make "X" on child's back.)
Applesauce (Wiggle fingers down back.)
Spiders crawling up your back. (Crawl fingers up back.)
Warm breeze. (Gently blow in ear.)
Gentle squeeze. (Hug child.)
Now go wash your hands, please.

(Fill in whatever activity you want the child to do next.)

Adaptation: Going on a treasure hunt (Walk fingers up back.) "X" marks the spot. (Draw an "x".) Dot -dash, (Dot then a line.) Dot -dash, (Dot then a line.) Dot -dot -dot. (Make 3 dots.) Gentle breeze. (Blow in ear.) Tight squeeze. (Hug.) Now youšve got the shiveries! (Run fingers all around back.)


WHERE IS THE JACK-O-LANTERN? (Tune: "Where Is Thumbkin?")

Where is the Jack-o-lantern? (Children repeat each line.)
Here I am! (Make circle with arms around your head like a pumpkin.)
Here I am!
Halloween is coming. (Children repeat.)
Oh, what fun! (Children repeat and clap hands.)

Where is the skeleton? (Shake arms as you say, "Clink, clank, clunk.")
Where is the cat? (Fingers like claws and say, "Meow, meow, meow.")
Where is the ghost? (Raise arms as you, "Boo, boo, boo.")

Have children suggest additional verses for bats, spiders, etc.


The "Land Down Under" is so AMAZING! If you can't go there in person, take a trip via the Internet! Your children will love learning more about Australia, too!




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