Dr. Jean's Song Store

Info about Burning CDs

You will need to know how to burn a CD or copy the files to your iPod or other mp3 player if you purchase downloads. We hope this page will help you learn how to burn CDs.

We suggest that you download and install iTunes if you don't already have it on your computer. iTunes is a free program from Apple. You can get a version for Windows or for Mac by clicking here. You can use iTunes to transfer files to your iPod or other mp3 player. You can also use iTunes to burn CDs. Once you have iTunes installed, use the Help function to search for burn cd. You will have well-written detailed instructions right on your screen.

If you need help burning a CD, we have some links to instructions here.

Using iTunes to Burn a CD - Video

Using Windows Media Player to Burn CDs

Step-by-Step to Burn a CD with Windows

CD Burning Instructions from Wiki-How

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) about CD Burning

We want you to enjoy your new songs. A few teachers have experienced some problems with our download links, but we have successfully helped everyone so far. Please contact us with any questions. We need a description of what you did and some details, though. Just saying, "It didn't work" will not be helpful.

if you experience any problems.

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