December, 2006 - Tis You!

We are so busy trying to give children the things we didn’t have that we are failing to give them what we did have!

Children are like little miracles changing right before our eyes! We live in such a fast-paced world that is trying to rush them and push them. We need to slow down and give children what they want and need most…time, attention, and love! These are the same things children have craved from adults for hundreds of years. Remember, it’s not the STUFF or things children want or need…tis you!!!

I hope teachers as well as parents will visit my website this month. You’ll find simple ideas for having fun with children in the classroom or at home. From cooking and science experiments, to art projects and games, I hope you’ll find a new idea or two. Most of the activities can be done without any prep time or complicated materials. In fact, many are made from recycled objects. This is what you will find:

    Download the Activity Cards using the Files to Download button in the menu at the top left.
  • Let’s Make Something!
       (Art Projects and Homemade Toys) Cards 1-12
  • Let’s Mix Up Some Magic!
       (Mixtures and Dough) Cards 13-20
  • Let’s Cook Something!
       (Recipes for Kids to Cook and Eat) Cards 21-32
  • Let’s Play a Game!
       (Short Games Where Everyone Wins) Cards 33-42
  • Let’s Experiment!
       (Simple Science Projects) Cards 43-50
  • Let’s Read and Talk
       (Books to Make) Cards 51-60

The activities can be downloaded like cards and wrapped up as a gift to give to children. Or, copy them and give them to a friend who is a teacher. Just click here or use the Files to Download button on the menu at the top left.

We are under the illusion that if we buy something, then it is valuable. If you think back on your own childhood, most of your memories are about experiences and relationships, not material objects. I hope you create lots of smiles on children’s faces with these simple gifts!

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