S - Sponge Prints


sponges, scissors, paint, paper plate paper


Cut sponges into shapes letters, or seasonal objects.  Pour a small amount of paint on the paper plate.  Dip the sponge in the paint and press on the paper.


Use a sponge ball or dish mop to make prints.

Make wrapping paper by sponge painting on tissue paper or bulletin board paper.


Do string painting for S.  Dip ends of string in cups of paint.  Fold a sheet of paper in half and place strings on the paper.  Pull strings to create a design.

T- Torn Paper Collage


scrap paper, glue, construction paper.


Use fingers like scissors to tear scrap paper into little pieces.  Glue them to the paper to make a design or picture.


Cut paper into seasonal shapes, such as eggs or leaves. Add details with crayons or markers.


Make textured paint for T.  Mix equal amounts of flour and salt. Stir in liquid paint to make a thick texture.  Apply to paper with a brush or fingers.

U - Underwater Picture


crayons, paper, diluted blue tempera paint, large paint brush


Challenge children to draw an "underwater” picture with the crayons. 

(Press hard with the crayons to apply a generous amount of color.)  "Wash”

over the entire page with paint.  The areas covered by the crayon will

"resist” the paint.

Hint!  This works best if you just mix a little paint with the water.

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