small paper cups
plaster of Paris
craft sticks
dry tempera paint
Put 1/2 cup of plaster of Paris in a cup. Add a heaping teaspoon of dry tempera and stir with a stick. Add a little water at a time as you stir until it is like thick gravy. (Add a little more plaster of Paris if it's too runny.) Let it harden for several hours, then peel away the cup.
You're ready to be sidewalk artists!
shaving cream (non-menthol)
Squirt a pile of shaving cream on a non-wood surface and let the children squish and play. Hint! This is a great way to clean up tables and desks!
Cook spaghetti according to the package directions. Drain the noodles. Add a few drops of food coloring to the noodles and toss. Children can take the noodles and arrange them on a piece of paper. (No glue is needed because the starch in the noodles makes them stick to the paper.)
tempera paint
Mix 1/2 cup flour with 1/2 cup salt. Stir in 1 cup liquid tempera paint. (Add more or less paint depending on the thickness you desire. Apply to heavy paper with brushes, fingers, or Q-tips.
Hint! If you use dry tempera, you will obviously need to add water.
(Every magician needs a magic wand, so here's one for you!)
aluminum foil
cardboard roller from a pants hanger
Take a sheet of foil and lay it diagonally on the table. Place the cardboard roller on one point and slowly roll it in the foil towards the opposite point. Tape the end of the foil and trim the ends. Dip one end of the wand in glue, then roll it in glitter. Taa daa!