No one will say, "I'm bored" with these ideas.



Tents are fun to build, hide in, read a book, or play in with a friend.

Card Table Tent

Drape a blanket over a card table or picnic table. Spread a sleeping bag on the ground for a cozy retreat.

Porch Railing Tent

Pin one end of a blanket to the railing or a deck or porch. Pull out the opposite end and secure at an angle with bricks or rocks. This is a "cool" place for a game or snack from the summer sun.

Cardboard Castle

An appliance box or other large box can be a "castle" to a child. Cut out doors and a window with a utility knife. (An adult will need to do this!) Let the children decorate with paints, markers, or crayons.

Car Wash

Cut the top and bottom out of an appliance box and place it on its side so it looks like a tunnel. Cut the bottom off of a large plastic garbage bag. Cut up the seam on one side to open the bag. Cut 2" strips up from the bottom of the bag stopping 3 inches from the top of the bag. Tape the garbage bag to the top of the box to create the swishers, then let the children ride their toys through the box.

Dress Up

Do you have an old suitcase in the attic or basement? Find some old shoes, hats, jewelry, nightgowns, or other old clothes and let the children play dress-up.


Most adults who love to read remember how special visiting a library with their parents in the summer was! What a wonderful way to spend time with your child, encourage literacy skills, and introduce them to the magic that can happen when you open a book!

Someone once said that books are like old friends you want to visit again and again. Make libraries and books old friends for your children!

Also, check out the summer reading programs available at your local library. There are puppet shows, story hours, and so many exciting things for children and adults!


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